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Zachary Ct Football Pool 2023


Pool Rules

Each week constitutes a new pool.

To enter, fill in the entry form by selecting the outcome of each game. You will also be asked to guess the total points scored in the Monday Night Football game* which is used as a tie breaker. Each week costs $3.33 which goes into the pot paid to that week's winner(s).  Fees for each participant for the season total $115.00.  (18 weeks totaling $60.00 and  $40.00 for the Best Record winners, $15.00 for party supplies).  The participants with the best and second best overall records will receive ($450.00) 75.00% and ($150.00) 25.00% respectively of the Best Record fees.  All fees and winnings will be settled during the Super Bowl party by the treasure.

*Should you miss a week you will receive the same win/loss as the worst participant that did submit picks.

*Should the Monday Night Football game be scheduled for a different night, the last game sch60.00ppppp6werteduled for that week will be used as the tie breaker instead.

The winner for each week will be the player with the most correct picks. In the event of a tie, the player who guessed closest to the actual point total of the tie breaker game will win. Should two or more players still be tied, the pot will be divided equally among them.

Note: for the tie breaker, it does not matter if your point total is over or under the actual game total. It is the difference between the two numbers that counts.


PART 1 - The participant(s) with the WORST overall record for the year will host this years PLAYOFF party!
PART 2 - The participant(s) with the best overall record must supply the PLAYOFF party beer!

Year End Ties

First ans Second Place Tie: No Ties for 1st or 2nd place
1st tie breaker -- Number of weeks won
2nd tie breaker -- Weeks with secound place
3rd tie breaker -- Least MNF (lastgame) pts differential.

 Last Place Tie: If participants are tied for last place (using the total games won for the year) the tie-breaker is the largest deviation from actual Monday night game's points verses participant guessed points will by Hosting.

Making and Changing Entries

When filling in an entry form, you do not have to make a pick for each game. All that is required is that you enter a point total for the tie breaker. This is helpful if there are early games scheduled for a given week (games played on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday). You may make your picks for these games beforehand and complete the rest later.

Games are automatically locked out on the entry form according to their scheduled date and time. Early games are locked at the start of the individual game. All remaining games (including the Monday Night Football game) are locked at the scheduled start time of the first 1pm Sunday game.

Note: times displayed on the schedule are Eastern.

You may change your pick for any game up until the time that game is locked. You may also change your tie breaker point total up until the time all entries are locked on Sunday.

Entries must be completed on time. Once a game is locked, you may not change your pick for it. If you did not make a pick for a particular game, it is counted as a loss. If you submit a partial entry and either forget or are unable to complete it, you are still responsible for the entry fee.

If you have trouble accessing the site, logging in or completing your entry, please contact the Administrator for help.

Navigating the Site

Use the menu displayed at the top of every page to get around the site. Below is a description of each page.

Note: you must login in order to access most pages.

This is the first page displayed after you log in. Check here for news, announcements and updates regarding the pool.

Entry Form
You may enter for the current week or make selections in advance for upcoming weeks using the links provided. To enter, select a winner (or call a tie) for each game and enter a point total for the tie breaker.

You may change your entry by returning to this page for the given week. Your current picks and points will be shown. Make your changes and hit the Submit button.

Note that you cannot make or change picks for games that have been locked. If you did not make a pick for a game that has been locked, it is counted as a loss. Also, you may not change your tie breaker point total once all games for the current week have been locked.

This page shows each player's picks and score for a given week. Game scores will be updated as they arrive. All game results should be in by late Monday night or early Tuesday morning.

Results for each week's pool are generated automatically so once all scores are in, the winner will be declared.

Here you will find a list of the winners for each week's pool. Click on a week number to view the results page for an individual week.

This page also displays individual summaries for each player, showing his or her overall performance for the current season.

Weekly Schedule
This page let's you view the schedule week-by-week. By default the current week will be displayed but you can jump to any week using the links at the bottom of the page. The display includes scores when available.

Team Schedules
You can view any team's schedule here by selecting its name from the drop-down list. Again, scores are displayed when available.

This page displays the current standings for all NFL teams based on available scores. From here you can click on a team name to view its schedule.

Change Password
You can change your password here. You must enter you current password and then the new password twice in the spaces provided (this helps prevent typos since you can't see what you type in the fields). Be sure to use your new password the next time you log in.

For your protection, passwords are stored in encrypted format. If you forget your password, contact the Administrator and you will be issued a new one.

Login here with your username and password. You must login first to access most pages on the site. If you're having trouble logging in, contact the Administrator.

If you are inactive for several minutes, your session may timeout. When this happens, the next time you try to access a page you will automatically be sent back to the login page. Just sign in again and you may then continue with whatever you were doing.

You may also use this link to logout and end your session. This can be used to allow another player to login with his or her own username and password.

You can always come to this page for help with finding your way around or entering and updating your picks. If you need further assistance, email the Administrator.
